The role of management consultancy in implementing operations management in the public sector In the files below
This resource is intended to assist doctoral students at the prospectus and proposal stages
with developing research design components, identifying a doctoral-level research problem,
writing a problem statement, and ensuring research design alignment.
Early Steps in the
Development of a
Research Design
Developing the Research Design Components
Identify the discipline-specific Research Problem by
reviewing recent literature related to the topic of interest.
Establish the Purpose of the Study, which progresses from
and addresses the research problem.
Develop the Research Question(s), which helps to focus the
Further review seminal works and current, peer-reviewed,
primary sources to identify the Framework, develop
hypotheses, inform design choices, etc.
Determine the Methodology and Research Design, data
source and instrumentation, and data analysis technique(s),
that best address the research question(s).
Identifying a Doctoral-Level Research Problem
LITMUS TEST | Required Hallmarks for a Doctoral-Level Research Problem
Discover topic/problem ideas by reviewing research findings and current practice. In Walden’s scholar-practitioner model, a
research problem shows promise of contributing meaningfully to the field only if the answer to each question below is “yes.”
Rubric Standard: Justified
Rubric Standard: Grounded
Supported by relevant statistics, evidence, etc.; a
discipline-specific puzzle that needs solving.
Built on previous research; a problem framed in a
theoretical or conceptual framework.
Rubric Standards: Original, Meaningful
Making an original contribution; reflecting a
meaningful gap in research literature (PhD) or
practice (professional doctorates).
to Scientific Study?
Rubric Standards: Feasible, Objective
Framed objectively; able to be a systematic study,
permitting multiple possible outcomes.
Writing the Problem Statement
From the PhD Prospectus Guide
Provide a one- to two-paragraph statement that is the result of a review of research findings and current practice and that contains a description of
the problem along with evidence that provides a justification that the problem is meaningful to the discipline. Therefore, problem statements need:
Intro/Support Information | Problem with Evidence| Justification of Discipline Importance | Gap in the Literature
Sample Problem Statement from the PhD Prospectus Guide
Conducting a supervised independent research project is a unique feature of completing a doctoral degree (Lovitts, 2008; Luse, Mennecke, &
Townsend, 2012). Contrary to the commonly held belief of a 50% all-but-dissertation (ABD) rate, only approximately 20% of doctoral students are
unable to complete the dissertation after finishing their coursework (Lovitts, 2008; Wendler et al., 2010). The challenge of the dissertation is not a
new phenomenon in higher education, but what is new is the growing number of students who complete their academic programs online (Allen &
Seaman, 2007; Kumar, Johnson, & Hardemon, 2013). Although many students are ultimately successful in defining the central argument for a
doctoral capstone, how this process occurs in a distributed environment has not been well researched.
Highlighted in the book on doctoral education by Walker, Golde, Jones, Conklin-Bueschel, and Hutchings (2009) is the need to develop more
“pedagogies of research” (p. 151) to support teaching graduate students to be scholars. Although a modest body of scholarship exists on research
training in traditional programs, emerging research suggests that the online environment offers some unique challenges and opportunities for
doctoral students (Baltes, Hoffman-Kipp, Lynn, & Weltzer-Ward, 2010; Kumar et al., 2013; Lim, Dannels, & Watkins, 2008). Of the many aspects of a
research project, development of the problem statement is arguably a key step because it provides the rationale for the entire dissertation (Alvesson
& Sandberg, 2013; Luse et al., 2012).
Note: Once a doctoral-level, discipline-specific problem is identified, and an appropriate problem statement completed, you will have met 6 of the 9
Prospectus Rubric Standards. The only remaining Prospectus Rubric Standards are (a) Complete (does the prospectus contain all required elements?),
(b) Impact (will the study affect positive social change), and (c) Aligned (do the various components of the research plan align overall?).
Aligning the Research Design Components
Required Components for a Doctoral-Level Research Design
When we think about the basic components of a research design—those that must align with one another—they typically include the
Research Problem Statement (with social implications);
Purpose Statement (e.g., “To address the research problem, the purpose of this {method/design} study is to…”);
Theoretical or Conceptual Framework;
Research Question(s), Method, & Design;
Data Collection Tools and Sources (e.g., instrument and people, artifacts, records);
Data Points (e.g., variables, questions, scales); and
Data Analysis.
Conceptualizing the research plan is sometimes challenging. One way to assist with this and to ensure research design alignment is to use a visual to
help you see how the various parts of a research design should fit together and therefore must align with one another. For example, as presented in
the graphic below, the research problem, purpose, and framework must align with all other pieces of the research design. This example had three
research questions. If one research question does not appear to fit with the study purpose, it does not belong in the study design.
See also, in SMRT guides:
Alignment Language in
the Problem, Purpose, RQ
Completing a Research Design Alignment Table
Using a one-page blueprint can assist with ensuring the alignment of your research design. This example of a Research Design Alignment Table is one
way to visualize your design and help you stick to your plan as you write your capstone document.
Research Design Alignment Table
Research Problem,
Purpose, and Framework
Research Question(s), Method,
& Design
Data Collection Tools & Data
Provide one sentence for each.
These must align with all rows.
List one or more RQs, as needed;
Select method; Identify design. Add or
delete rows, as needed.
List the instrument(s) and people,
artifacts, or records that will provide
the data for each RQ.
Data Points
List the variables, specific
interview questions, scales,
etc. that will be used for
each RQ.
Data Analysis
Briefly describe the
statistical or qualitative
analysis that will address
each RQ.
Select Method
Select Method
Select Method
Note. The information in the left-hand column must align with all rows; and each individual RQ row must show alignment across the columns for that row.
Once your Research Design Alignment Table is completed, reflect on your design alignment. Ask yourself:
1. Is there a logical progression from the research problem to the purpose of the study?
2. Does the identified framework ground the investigation into the stated problem?
3. Do the problem, purpose, and framework in the first column align with the RQ(s) (all rows)?
4. Does each RQ address the problem and align with the purpose of the study?
5. Does the information across each individual row match/align with the RQ listed for that row?
By row, will the variables listed address the RQ?
By row, will the analysis address the RQ?
By row, can the analysis be completed with the data points that will be collected?
Litmus Test for a Doctoral-Level Research Problem
Background on these “litmus test” questions
• The distinguishing characteristic of doctoral-level research (as opposed to masters level) is that it must
make an original contribution to the field. However, students may struggle to identify what will
authentically contribute to their field or discipline.
• The most critical step in making such a contribution is to first identify a research problem with the 4
doctoral hallmarks below. Identifying a doctoral-level research problem is “necessary, but not
sufficient,” to produce doctoral-level capstone.
In Walden’s scholar-practitioner model, a research problem shows
promise of contributing meaningfully to the field ONLY if the answer
to ALL of the following questions is “yes.”
Is there evidence that this problem is significant to the professional field?
There must be relevant statistics (expressing an unjust inequality,
financial impact, lost efficiency, etc.), documentable discrepancies (e.g.,
two models that are difficult to reconcile), and/or other scholarly facts
that point to the significance and urgency of the problem. The problem
must be an authentic “puzzle” that needs solving, not merely a topic that
the researcher finds interesting.
Can the problem be framed in a way that will enable the researcher to
either build upon or counter the previously published findings on the topic?
For most fields, this involves articulating the problem within the context
of a theoretical or conceptual framework. Although there are multiple
ways to ground a study in the scientific literature, the essential
requirement is that the problem is framed in such a way that the new
findings will have implications for the previous findings.
For research doctorates (Ph.D.):
Does the problem reflect a meaningful gap in the research literature?
For the professional doctorates (Ed.D. and D.B.A.):
Does the problem describe a meaningful gap in practice?
Can a scholarly, systematic method of inquiry be applied to address the
The framing of the problem should not reveal bias or present a foregone
conclusion. Even if the researcher has a strong opinion on the expected
findings, scholarly objectivity must be maximized by framing the problem
in the context of a systematic inquiry that permits multiple possible
Research Theory, Design, and Methods
Walden University
Problem Statement Checklist
Use the following criteria to evaluate an author’s problem statement:
Is a problem identified that leads to the need for this study?
Is a rationale or justification for the problem clearly stated?
Is the problem framed in a way that is consistent with the research approach?
Does the statement convey how the study will address the problem?
Are the citations to literature current (i.e., within the past 5 years with the
exception of seminal works)?
© 2016 Laureate Education, Inc.
Page 1 of 1
Research Theory, Design, and Methods
Walden University
Use of Literature Checklist
Use the following criteria to evaluate an author’s use of literature.
Look for indications of the following ways the author used literature:
Introduce a problem
Introduce a theory
Provide direction to the research questions and/or hypotheses
Compare results with existing literature or predictions
Did the author mention the problem addressed by the study?
Is the purpose of the study stated?
Are key variables in the study defined?
Is information about the sample, population, or participants provided?
Are the key results of the study summarized?
Does the author provide a critique of the literature?
Are sources cited to support points?
Are the citations to recent literature (within the past 5 years with the exception
of seminal works)?
Does the literature justify the importance of the topic studied?
© 2016 Laureate Education, Inc.
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The role of management consultancy in implementing
operations management in the public sector
Radnor, Zoe; O’Mahoney, Joe.International Journal of Operations & Production
Management; Bradford Vol. 33, Iss. 11/12, (2013): 1555-1578.
Full text
Full text – PDF
References 92
Purpose – This paper reflects on the growing trend of engaging management consultancies in
implementing operations management innovations in the public sector. Whilst the differences
between public and private sector operations have been documented, there is a dearth of material
detailing the impact of public sector engagements on the consultancies themselves and the
operations management products and services they develop. Drawing on qualitative data, the
paper aims to identify both the impact of operations management in the public sector and the
impact of this engagement on the consultancies that are involved. Design/methodology/approach
– This paper draws on rich, qualitative data from six large management consultancies, amounting
to over 48 interviews. An inductive methodology sought to identify both how consultancies have
adapted their operations management products and services, and why. Findings – The paper finds
that the different context of the public sector provides consultants with considerable challenges
when implementing operations management projects. The research shows that public services are
often hampered by different cultures, structures, and managerial knowledge and investment
patterns. Such constraints have an impact on both the projects being implemented and the
relationship between consultants and clients. Originality/value – There are few studies that
consider the implementation of operations management in the public sector and fewer still which
examine the impact of public sector engagement on the products that consultancies develop. This
paper aims to develop understanding in both. At a more theoretical level, the paper contributes to
considering operations management through knowledge management literature in seeking to
understand how consumers of management knowledge influence its producers.
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Trends in modern operations management
Edited by Ben Clegg, Jillian MacBryde and Prasanta Dey
1 Introduction
This paper seeks to contribute to the theme of this special issue by exploring the intersection of
two important trends in operations management: the growing influence of management
consultants on operations management methods and the increased use of such methods in the
public sector. These trends intersect in a highly visible arena since the “efficiency agenda”
introduced by many Western governments has, somewhat ironically, lead to a growing trend in
public spending on management consultancies to help implement these reforms ([10] Boyne et
al. , 2003). In the UK, for example, the operational efficiency report ([35] HM Treasury, 2009)
stipulated that potential savings of around £10 billion a year should be achieved over the next
three years. In order to achieve this, public sector organisations have sought to introduce a range
of operations management approaches including Lean thinking, Six Sigma and business process
reengineering (BPR) ([67] Radnor, 2010). The evidence of the implementation of process
management and improvement methodologies includes health ([34] Guthrie, 2006; [23]
Fillingham, 2007), central government ([69] Radnor and Bucci, 2007) and local government
([62] Office of the Deputy Prime Minister, 2005). As public sector managers rarely have the
resources or skills to implement such programmes themselves, they have increasingly looked
towards management consultancies to support them in their efforts ([55] MCA, 2010).
A review of the literature in this area highlights (at least) two under-developed areas in our
understanding of this intersection. On the one hand, there is the question of how operations
management methods and tools which consultancies have often developed for the private sector
translate into the public sector. Previous insights have shown that the transfer of tools, concepts
and programmes from the private sector can be problematic in public sector organisations which
are “based much more on values, ethical and professional concepts and have to address many
more issues than [those in the private sector]” ([19] Diefenbach, 2009, p. 895). Whilst several
studies have shown the impact, and limitations, of private sector tools and methods on public
sector workers ([9] Boyne, 2002) there is relatively little literature that specifically focuses on
the consultancy experience of such transfers. Thus, in order to gain an insight into the important
contextual processes which underpin such interventions, our first research question asks:
RQ1. How do operations management consultancy interventions in the public sector differ to
those in the private sector?
A second area of consideration concerns the impact of public sector engagements on the methods
and services that consultancies develop. In the literature concerning the knowledge developed by
management consultancies there has been an increasing focus on both the ways in which
consultancies commodify knowledge into formal products ([24] Fincham, 1995; [80] Suddaby
and Greenwood, 2001; [16] Clegg et al. , 2004; [38] Heusinkveld and Benders, 2005; [36] Haas,
2006) and the manner in which such consulting services are implemented in client contexts ([26]
Fincham and Roslender, 2004; [79] Sturdy et al. , 2009; [59] Nicolai et al. , 2010). However,
what has been less well understood is the way in which client-consultant interactions in different
contexts have an impact on the ways in which knowledge is developed. To this end, we ask:
RQ2. How does the public sector context influence the development of operations management
The data to support this analysis is generated though semi-structured interviews with over 48
management consultants from six large management consultancies firms. Perhaps,
unsurprisingly, we found that there were significant differences in the type and style of
engagement between public and private sector organisations. These included the levels of
organisational bureaucracy, the role of procurement, the skills and autonomy of client managers
and their attitudes to risk. These findings are interpreted against the theoretical backdrop of the
knowledge literature, specifically through a three-stage model examining client contexts,
consultant-client relationships and operation management consultancy development. Our central
insight is to show how the public sector context exerts a commodifying influence on the
consultancy service. The findings help in creating an understanding of the development and use
of operations management by consultants and, within public services. By drawing on the
knowledge literature the research and paper also contributes to the much needed theoretical
development of operations management ([82] Taylor and Taylor, 2009).
To achieve this, the paper first provides a review of operations and process implementations in
the context of the public sector showing not only that, such programmes are increasingly
common but also that consultancies have growing popularity in supporting such interventions.
Next, drawing on knowledge commodification literature, the paper outlines the theoretical
framework used to structure our findings. Subsequently, the paper introduces the research
methodology: an inductive and qualitative enquiry at six large UK consultancies undertaking
process management interventions in the public sector. Using this data, the paper then identifies
the changes that have occurred to consultancies, their products and the reasons why these
changes have happened by reflecting on the use of operations and process management in the
public sector. Finally, the paper considers the findings, arguing that the public sector
engagements have an important impact on the operations management products that are
generated by consultancies. This section considers how this impact might be theorised and the
consequences for future research.
2 Operations and process management consultancy in the public sector
The UK has been a rich source of information about public sector reform over the last two
decades providing a valuable context in which to explore how and why practices are adapted or
adopted across a whole institutional field ([10] Boyne et al. , 2003). In the UK, 18 per cent of the
workforce are employed in the public sector ([51] MacGregor, 2001) with around half of the
workforce, or 2.8 million, working in local government and 1.5 million in the health services
([53] Massey, 2005). Over the last 15 years, under pressure to cut costs and increase quality due
to policies supported by [28] Gershon (2004) review and the efficiency agenda ([41] HM
Treasury, 2008), UK public sector organisations have witnessed a transformation in their
structures, strategies and management ([63] Pollitt and Bouckaert, 2004). Central to this
transformation has been the introduction of a wide range of service innovations from strategic
tools ([49] Llewellyn and Tappin, 2003; [86] Williams and Lewis, 2008) and operational
transformations ([76] Silvester et al. , 2004; [68] Radnor and Boaden, 2008) to a more
generalised shift in discourses of service and professionalism ([18] Davies, 2007).
In seeking to support such transformations, many public sector organisations have turned to the
expertise and legitimacy offered by management consultancies ([72] Saint-Martin, 2000). The
result has been a growth in public spending on consultancies to the point where it now represents
a global average of 19 per cent of consultancy revenues ([32] Gross and Poor, 2008), or $57
billion ([44] Kennedy Information, 2008). This represents a decade of phenomenal growth for
the industry – in the UK the market grew in double digits each year 2002-2005, increasing
revenue from £562 million in 2001 to £158 billion in 2005 ([54] MCA, 2006). The resulting
impact, both positive and negative, of consultancy innovations on the public sector has been
explored in some detail by academics ([46] Lapsley and Oldfield, 2001; [73] Saint-Martin, 2004;
[12] Christensen, 2005), journalists ([17] Craig and Brooks, 2006) and government watchdogs
([58] National Audit Office, 2006; [65] Public Accounts Committee, 2007). Yet cost reductions
are not the only reason for the growth in the use of consultancies. Many new governments have
faced strong opposition from their own civil servants and public sector workers to proposed
reforms. The use of consultants was used, in the early 2000s, as an explicit strategy to by-pass
bureaucratic resistance and enable quicker reform ([73] Saint-Martin, 2004; [17] Craig and
Brooks, 2006) (Figure 1 [Figure omitted. See Article Image.] and Table I [Figure omitted. See
Article Image.]).
There are good reasons to think that the public sector poses different challenges to consultancies
than their traditional clients in the private sector. The sector posses a number of differences
(Table II [Figure omitted. See Article Image.]) which, might suggest differing outcomes for both
clients and consultants. Comparing the two sectors, “from the bottom up” at a basic level,
managerial requirements are similar between the two sectors (e.g. management of human
resources, budget, project management, service delivery, etc). However, from a “top-down”
perspective, democratic values, ministerial/politics, laws and rights shape a much different
picture of managerial requirements ([74] Savoie, 2003; [30] Good, 2004). Often the accepted
role of the private sector is to engage in commercial enterprise, for profit. Firms are generally
free to engage or not engage, purchase inputs at the market price and abandon activities at will.
Principally accountable to their owners, business is held accountable by the market against
several “hard” indicators especially profitability ([78] Steward and Walsh, 1994). Whereas the
key purpose of public services is to undertake activities in the areas where profit cannot be made,
but the interests of society demand that the activities occur ([20] Drucker, 1993; [8] Box, 1999).
Unlike the private sector, [77] Smith (1995) argues public sector services must continue to
operate however difficult the local environment, sometimes delivering nationally and regionally.
Furthermore, [43] Kelly et al. (2002) suggest that most public sector enterprises have multiple
objectives with no single “bottom-line”. Even though financial indicators and ratios are widely
used in the private sector with ratios permitting comparisons between choices and market
accountability within the public sector, profit is an oxymoron ([42] Johnson and Broms, 2000).
Therefore, often financial indicators and ratios have limited application and receive effective
little executive attention within government. This lack of use and monitoring of data could
potentially have an impact on the justification of investment and resources required by
operations management programmes such as Lean and will be explored later in the paper.
Given the differences between the two sectors, the application of operations and process
management tools without appropriate adaptation for public service organisations has been
questioned ([94] Radnor and Walley, 2008). Other authors argue that service characteristics are
not an excuse for avoiding manufacturing methodologies as a means of efficiency gains ([48]
Levitt, 1972): any organization can gain substantial benefits from at least some new practices
([84] Waterson and Clegg, 1997) whatever the size or sector of the organization ([81] Swank,
2003). So, whilst engagement with the public sector has provided consultancies with
considerably different engagements to that which they find in private arenas, the question of how
this has impacted the relations of knowledge and practice has not been considered or theorised.
In the next section, we draw on theories of knowledge consumption and production to suggest
possibilities for progress in understanding the implementation of operations and process
management into the public sector.
3 Theorising knowledge engagements
The literature that seeks to understand the creation, dissemination and implementation of
management knowledge has developed considerably over the last 15 years ([6] Benders et al. ,
1998; [38] Heusinkveld and Benders, 2005). Within this field, consultants have been categorised,
along with business schools and management gurus, as “knowledge entrepreneurs” who develop
ambiguous, yet attractive products and services for consumption by a variety of users ([27]
Fosstenløkken et al. , 2003; [39] Heusinkveld et al. , 2009). Consultancies specifically have been
singled out for significant attention in their role in disseminating operations management
innovations such as BPR, Lean and TQM ([25] Fincham, 1999; [60] O’Mahoney, 2007). Within
this literature one can identify three-stages that have received attention in understanding the
generation, dissemination and implementation of consultancies products in client contexts (Table
III [Figure omitted. See Article Image.]).
In the first-stage, academics have examined the processes of service development and noted the
political and social struggles which characterise the development of new consultancy repertoires
or services ([6] Benders et al. , 1998; [13] Clark, 2004; [38] Heusinkveld and Benders, 2005), for
example, describing the processes of “commodification” that take place in order to make
knowledge more attractive to consumers ([24] Fincham, 1995; [80] Suddaby and Greenwood,
2001). In the second-stage, studies focus on the relationships consultants have with clients
emphasising both the sales activities of consultants and their interactions with clients in defining
projects. These studies have not only looked at the different roles consultants as magicians ([25]
Fincham, 1999), missionaries (Wright et al. , 2004) or preachers ([85] Whittle, 2006), but also
emphasise the power relationships between consultants and clients that structure the interactions
(Clark et al. , 1996; Wright et al. , 2004; [2] Alvesson et al. , 2009). Finally, studies examine
what happens when consultancy innovations “land” at client sites and are implemented into
client contexts. Here, the focus is on the political negotiations, social disruptions and translation
effects that occur when implementing a new idea in a specific context ([40] Hislop, 2002; [16]
Clegg et al. , 2004).
What is missing from the model (Table III [Figure omitted. See Article Image.]) is the issue of
reverse causality: the impact of differing client contexts and relationships on the services that
consultancies develop. There are only a handful of academics that have acknowledged the
possibility of reverse flows of influence in consultant – client relationships. [39] Heusinkveld et
al. (2009) for example emphasise the “market scanning” activities that consultants undertake
when developing new products. However, we can find no research that examines the impact of
different client sectors on the products and services that operations management consultants
develop. We believe therefore that studying the influence of public sector clients on the
consultancies they use is an important and promising arena for investigation. In the next section,
therefore, we detail the methods by which this topic was examined.
4 Methodology
Our study is of an exploratory nature as we are looking into how concepts were being applied
into a new context and so are interested in how contextual factors modulate that implementation
and have effects upon the creation, dissemination and implementation of management
knowledge. Therefore, a case-study approach was taken, as this ensures the ability to assess the
organisational dynamics of the implementations at multiple levels simultaneously ([88] Yin,
1993; [83] Voss et al. , 2002). Six large consultancies were identified which have implemented
process management solutions within the public sector. Three of the organisations are dedicated
management consultancy firms whilst the other three deploy management consultancy as part of
their portfolio of activities. However, all are and have been engaged with public sector clients
and perceive them to be a growing revenue stream. Table IV [Figure omitted. See Article
Image.] gives an outline of the organisations and who was interviewed.
In total 48 interviews were conducted across the six organisations with senior partners, directors
and consultants who had responsibility for development and delivery of operations and process
management products and services in public services in order to seek how they understood
themselves in their construction of the delivery of the product. All consultants interviewed had
experience of both private and public sector clients. An interview schedule was developed which
asked a set of questions related to the implementation of operation and process management
products in general in public services and then asking about one, often Lean, in more detail.
The research focused on RQ1 and RQ2 . To support this enquiry, the following interview
questions were asked related to the three-stages outlined in Table III [Figure omitted. See Article
Service development
– Would you describe (management consultancy offering) as a product? Give an outline of what
this product is?
– How has this product been amended for the public sector? Were changes intentionally planned
or did changes simply evolve?
– Have and do you change your language and the material used?
Client relationships
– Considering the implementation of (management consultancy offering): do you work
differently in the public sector: in the consultancy team, in relation to your consulting company
and in relation to the client?
– Considering the implementation of (management consultancy offering): what different
expectations do clients have of you as a person in the public and private sectors? How does this
make you feel?
Client contexts
– Give up to three differences you have found between selling and implementing this product in
the public and private sector?
– What has happened to (management consultancy offering) when you have implemented it in
and across clients?
– Have clients spread the product within their own and to other organizations?
– Did it fizzle out in some companies/sites? If so, which ones?
Where necessary, these questions were followed up by delving into issues that emerged. All
interviews were transcribed and additional “reflective notes” were developed during the case
study. The transcribed interviews were rigorously coded and classified using the six step
procedure ([66] Radnor, 2002). Radnor’s technique for analysing and interpreting data follows
six key steps:
topic ordering;
constructing categories;
reading for content;
completing coded sheets;
generating coded transcripts; and
analysis to interpretation.
[66] Radnor’s (2002) data analysis approach is designed for the researcher to code whilst
allowing the qualitative data to be linked, shaped and searched. Through using this method of
analysis a level of sensitivity to detail and context can be enabled, as well as accurate access to
information. This method of interpretation permits rigorous searching for patterns, building of
theories or explanations and grounding them in data ([22] Eisenhardt, 1989). To ensure
validation of the findings case study reports were produced for each organisation which was
presented to senior management.
5 Findings
The findings will be presented under the key themes from the interviews and related to the stages
in Table III [Figure omitted. See Article Image.]: service development, client relationships and
client contexts.
5.1 Service development: products for public services
We found that the majority of respondents did not feel what they offered was a “product” but an
“offering” or “approach”. However, they were very clear that something was sold to a client
which was often described as a set of principles and ideas enacted through a set of tools:
It can be a product when we take it externally, but it’s more of a whole offering (Managing
Director, Consultancy C).
If you asked me to describe it in as package I’d say it was more of a philosophy (Consultant,
Consultancy U).
Interesting, many of consultants stated that they would like clients to see what they sell to be an
offering, more than tools, a package which influences the behaviour or practices of an
It’s a philosophy and way of working which is unpinned by a set of tools and techniques; so it’s
more around a philosophy and principles – but there are tools (Director, Consultancy U).
That’s how I would describe it, personally; a philosophy, something, reference points to be able
to look to as well (Consultant, Consultancy U).
When asked if the product or offering was amended for public services the answer often was that
the principles or the essence of the offering stayed the same whatever the organisation. However,
the tools and techniques changed depending on the client and the situation. For public services in
particular there was a feeling that some translation was needed in order to create an
understanding of the principles and concepts. Overall, the fundamentals of the offering were
adhered to:
It is the practical applications, rather than fundamental philosophies or approach that changes
dramatically (Consultant, Consultancy U).
The changes are more on a tool rather than on a principle level (Consultant, Consultancy P).
Another important factor was the bigger role of procurement in sourcing consultancy services for
the public sector ([60] O’Mahoney, 2007). Several consultants suggested that dealing with
procurers, rather than client managers, meant that services became more commodified and were
more focused on cost reduction:
Procurers tend to force you to remove the bells and whistles [this] means you create a simpler
and cheaper product […] aimed at them rather than the managers (Consultant, Consultancy A).
Procurement, especially e-procurement, means sales becomes much more of a box-ticking
exercise rather than a conversation […] compared to the private sector you know you’ll often be
compared on cost (Partner, Consultancy A).
5.2 Client relationship management
The consultants were then asked if they worked differently in public services. In particular, did
they change their language and material? The responses were that although the offering did not
change the vast majority felt that they changed their language and material, often just for
training, to suit the need and context of the client. This was for all clients not just public services
and was important to do so:
Certainly your language does change. You know, you have to take time to understand the
environment that you’re working in and align yourself with that environment. The material
would change, as well, I guess, depending on the audience that you’re working with and the level
that you’re working with (Senior Consultant, Consultancy U).
Yes – to suit the need and context of the client, must change it especially the language, need to
remove the jargon (Consultant, Consultancy F).
Although an interesting point was raised regarding the number of reference points available for
public services which was felt to be much lower than for the private sector. This meant that often
material had to be co-developed:
We co-developed the training so that it was fed in the right language and with the right
underpinnings (Senior Consultant, Consultancy C).
Regarding the expectations of the consultant and consultancy the difference in the attitude
towards the consultants was mentioned time and time again. This meant for a private sector
organization staff expected the consultants to deliver hard tangible benefits, to solve problems,
deliver what they promised and work long hours. They often also had a greater understanding of
what and why things needed changing. Whereas staff in the public sector were much more
unsure why the consultants were there, wanted to learn new skills from the consultants so
sometimes saw them as trainers, wanted the consultants to deliver the change away from them
and were not prepared to give extra hours and time:
It feels to me more like in the private sector they expect you to come in and deliver exactly
what’s been sold to them, delivering all of the tools, the techniques and the training. And
obviously they do have the same expectation in the public sector but they also seem to need, or
want you to, engineer that change. […] Engineer the change and really […] really deliver their
benefits for them. They seem challenged in doing those things for themselves (Managing
Consultant, Consultancy U).
In the private sector they will definitely be expecting me and the delivery team to deliver results,
and, you know, they’d be quite hard-nosed about monitoring that we’re doing that. In Health, it’s
less so […]. and it feels that […]. they are much more interested in building a relationship with us
[…]. rather than the commerciality of the relationship (Senior Consultant, Consultancy F).
Again this raised a tension for the consultants between developing a more sustained approach
through changing behaviours and attitudes as well as, explicitly showing the benefits of the
I think initially maybe private sector looked forward (using us) to help solve the burning
platform not necessarily to engage. Public sector is about skills transfer (Senior Consultant,
Consultancy P).
In the private sector, they expect quick results. They would also be far more benefits-focussed.
That’s not to say the public sector isn’t, just that it’s not quite as patently obvious (Consultant,
Consultancy C).
5.3 The client context: differences in public sector consulting work
Each consultant was asked to give up to three differences of selling and implementing the
process management product or offering in private versus public sector organisations. Table V
[Figure omitted. See Article Image.] highlights the differences noted. The table is ordered so that
the difference mentioned the most is at the top and the least at the bottom. The first difference,
pace, was mentioned by just over half of the consultants.
Overall, there was a feeling that the pace of the change in the public sector was a lot slower and
more risk adverse. The consultants felt that when selling and implementing process management
approaches the focus for public services was much more about capability building developing
knowledge and understanding. Whereas in the private sector the demands on the consultants
were much higher, in terms of commitment, time and knowledge with a focus on achieving a
tangible return on investment and a impact on the bottom line. In terms of engagement and
implementation within public services it was much “more about leadership than partnership” the client wanted to be told what to do and even shown basics such as IT skills and managing
meetings. Many of the consultants interviewed mentioned the lack of awareness of some of what
they described as the “basic” elements of operations and process management such as defining a
process, the difference between capacity and demand and, even clearly defined requirements of
the customer or the process.
Relating back to the product, even though the consultants said that they wanted the product to be
considered as an offering/philosophy in that it was important to develop understanding regarding
behaviours beyond the tools, in answering the question regarding the differences they appeared
to be frustrated about the level of “softer” behavioural input they had to give in public services.
In particular, they were frustrated about the engagement with the change by senior managers and
leaders who in public services were perceived to be more detached. Another issue raised was
regarding the outcome – in the private sector the impact was monitored more closely and by more
senior people so it was easier to judge and manage level of success of the consultancy
engagement. Within public services the ability and desire to track benefits was lower and less
interesting to leaders which appeared to have made “selling on” (important to the consultancy)
more difficult.
Overall, as Table V [Figure omitted. See Article Image.] reflects, the consultants’ view which
was that although the impact in the public sector was greater in terms of engaging staff and
changing their behaviours, there were frustrations regarding the ability to measure or account for
the level of impact or even influence the wider picture. Also the ability to implement the changes
in practices originally planned or promised were not always possible due to the understanding of
the staff, commitment of the leadership and span of control.
When asked what the sustainability of the process management product would be in the public
service the consultants recognized that they had an impact on some of the processes when they
were present especially regarding time reduction and quality improvement but they also felt that
regarding overall impact in terms of the offering was limited. Sustainability and developing the
product further was really about having really strong local leadership which was often felt to be
It’s a lot to do with the people that are involved in the Continuous Improvement team that you
work with as you go through the journey internally, as to you know their networks, their ability
to engage. It’s a lot to do with the senior team and how they communicate and engage down and
whether they’re taking feedback up (Partner, Consultancy C).
I think the main success factor is probably the leadership, which is actually one of the challenges
in the leadership and commitment to it […] but that’s where the sustainability will come from
(Consultant, Consultancy C).
6 Discussion
This paper has presented a situation where the focus on the efficiency agenda within the public
sector has led to a real rise in the trend to use operation and process management practices. To
date, compared with private, there is still little written on operations management within the
public sector and what there is, is mainly with regard to health ([11] Brandao de Souza, 2009;
[70] Radnor et al. , 2012). Operations and process management in the public sector could be
considered as a new and emerging field with the current agenda about needing to educate and
develop public services professionals and managers on the effective use of OM to support
effective service delivery.
6.1 Differences between public and private operations management consultancy
In terms of the two research questions the first asked “how do operation management
consultancy interventions in the public sector differ to those in the private sector?” The research
found real differences between private and public sectors in terms of how consultancies sell work
in and how they work with and manage the expectations of the clients. Consultants themselves
noticed that whilst implementations varied, for example, in terms of the language used and the
material deployed, many felt that the essence of the offering was not amended significantly. Yet
language is important. In other studies of consultancy services, language has been shown to be
crucial in translating the consultancy “idea” into an attractive proposition (Clark et al. , 2002;
[31] Grint and Case, 2002). Indeed, the ambiguity inherent in consultancy propositions has been
argued to be crucial in their successful application in a wide range of settings ([29] Giroux,
There appears also to be a tension regarding the role of the management consultant – although
they enjoyed the level of influence within public services there was frustration over the degree of
their impact (especially at senior level) in relation to what they experienced in private
organisations. This was felt to be because of the lack of leadership engagement and the low
starting point of the engagement in terms of at times having to teach some “basic” elements of
operations management.
These tensions and frustrations felt are not unusual and have been noted in process improvement
literature as “barriers”. Some of the barriers noted could be described as “common” for most
operations management initiatives, e.g. lack of commitment from senior management, objectives
that are not aligned to customer requirements, a lack of training for staff and poor selection of
projects ([50] Lucey et al. , 2005; [71] Radnor et al. , 2006; [4] Antony, 2007; [61] Oakland and
Tanner, 2007). However, there are some specific public sector barriers which appear to have
impacted on operations management consultancy engagements and can be summarised as public
sector culture and structure, lack of client understanding of business issues, and low levels of
6.1.1 Public sector culture and structure
The political and financial environment public sector organisations operate in can have adverse
effects on operations and process improvement programmes. An example given by [91] Blair
and Taylor (1998) includes a public sector service, whose need for change arose out of low
customer satisfaction due to inefficient processes clogging up the supply chain. However,
technical, financial and political restraints led to only a hybrid version of the old and new system
being implemented. Political issues and decision making meant that, even though employees felt
that they were not “being done to”, they still had vested interest in preserving as much of the
status quo as possible and suggested modifications were conservative ([91] Blair and Taylor,
The sectoral specific issues can impact upon the success of implementations in the public sector.
[56] McNulty (2003) notes that across public sector organisations as a whole, policy and
decision making is focused at the macro level and undertaken by officials, whereas practice and
delivery occurs at the micro level by professionals (e.g. clinicians, academics, etc.). He describes
how professional work is broken down into specialities that very rarely cross-departmental
boundaries. However, professionals control the flow of work and are therefore very powerful and
can resist managerial attempts to make their work more predictable, transparent and standard
([56] McNulty, 2003). Gulledge et al. (2002) point out the mandates and structure of the
implementation of improvement methodologies are based on traditional “command and control”
structures. The environment often driven by policy and spending reviews means the requirement
to engage with operations and process management and other concepts is driven from policy and
not necessarily customer facing. This structure means that operations and process improvement
may not be effective as frontline staff react to the managers, measures and targets rather than the
customers (Gulledge et al. , 2002).
If we consider this in relation to the findings and the differences between private and public
sector presented in Table II [Figure omitted. See Article Image.] it was noted that at comparing
the two sectors, “from the bottom up” at a basic level, managerial requirements are similar
between the two sectors. However, from a “top-down” perspective, democratic values,
ministerial/politics, laws and rights, etc. shape a much different picture of managerial
requirements. This appears to be holding true in terms of the findings from this research
regarding management consultancy engagement, i.e. consultants are finding that they are able to
impact the operations management elements at the process or even operational level but are
struggling to engage and sustain engagement at a strategic level. The consultants felt that the
clients had a mixed understanding of the purpose, focus of the change and customer
requirements often due to the lack of leadership for the process and operations management
6.1.2 Lack of client understanding
A lack of client understanding was mentioned by the management consultants interviewed as
problematic in implementing successful projects, especially with regard to understanding the
process, customer and the type of demand for public services. Within the literature, challenges to
implementing operations and process management (particularly Lean) in government
organisations have been noted to include: no guarantee of top level ownership of processes due
to political leadership being transitory, top level managers having little understanding of front
line processes and no single definition of who the customer is and what their requirements are
([45] Krings et al. , 2006). [64] Proudlove et al. (2008, p. 33) summarise that “of particular
significance to Lean are the difficulties in identifying customers and processes in a healthcare
setting and the use of clear and appropriate terminology”. It is also difficult to specify value in
the public sector because some organisational functions and procedures do not contribute to
value in the eyes of the customer ([37] Halachmi, 1996). It also claimed that in managing and
delivering public services processes across organisational functions can be difficult, because of
departmental working and a lack of alignment between business processes and IT ([33] Gulledge
and Sommer, 2002).
[75] Seddon and Brand (2008) outline two different types of demand – value demand (“what we
are here to provide”) and failure demand (“failure to do something or do something right for the
customer”). They report that in local government departments the level of failure demand can be
as high as 80 per cent. Understanding the type and patterns of demand can mean the system and
capacity can be designed to meet the demand thus reducing backlog and queues. Understanding
demand and variation in public services and service as a whole is not as easy as in manufacturing
but authors such as [96] Spear (2005) assure us that it is possible if the changes and
improvements are made in manageable chunks.
6.1.3 Low investment levels
Regarding sustainability, the findings indicated that as well as lack of leadership engagement
there was a lack of understanding by senior leaders of the time and resources needed to transfer
knowledge. This was related to the top “difference” in Table V [Figure omitted. See Article
Image.] where the consultants mentioned that leaders were not prepared to take risks. By not
investing in resources there is a danger of a short-term view of operations and process
improvement focusing around particular departments and functional processes. [52] MacIntosh
(2003) noted that in public services too many resources may be required and as a result corners
may be cut. In comparing resources available to fund process improvement implementations, he
outlined huge differences between the public and private sectors. These ranged from the private
sector spending of millions of pounds to buy the required equipment to a lack of financial
resources in the public sector in order to implement the required solution ([52] MacIntosh, 2003).
Additionally, high levels of investment have to be justified and monitored for benefits realisation
or “value for money”. However, the second major “difference” in Table V [Figure omitted. See
Article Image.] lists “benefits” in terms of public services being more focused on “softer” rather
than “harder” results. For consultancies this can be frustrating as it is then more difficult to
justify the impact and result of the intervention. This finding is supported from the public sector
literature where it is noted that very little is written about what and how benefit tracking systems
should be developed, implemented and used ([67] Radnor, 2010).
Some writers have noted that there is a perception that operations and process management
practices are manufacturing-based and so are not applicable within the specific public sector
environments ([5] Bane, 2002). Others have noted that within public services there can be an
unwillingness to use external/private sector support ([67] Radnor, 2010). Obviously, this was not
the case for the organisations which the management consultants were engaged with at a senior
level but could have been an issue with the middle management and frontline staff whom the
consultants had to deal with on a more regular basis. For them the reluctance to use external
support may be that, other people from outside the sector would not understand their
organisation. This may illustrate that managers and staff in the public sector view their
organisation not as a system but as an entity which can only learn from a similar form (e.g.
another local authority).
6.2 How public sector context influences operations management consultancy
The second research question asked, “how does the public sector context influence the
development of operations management consulting?”. Given both the importance of client
demands to the generation and structuring of consultancy knowledge ([57] Morris, 2001) and the
clear differences outlined above between the public and private sectors, it is perhaps to be
expected that these different contexts will impact the ways in which consultancies both develop
relationships with clients and develop their service propositions. Yet, as we saw earlier, the main
thrust of academic research in this area considers only the flow of knowledge from consultants to
clients rather than vice versa. A central contribution of this paper, which builds upon the findings
detailed above, is to show how the different context of the public sector generates different
expectations and interactions of consultants and clients, which in turn has an impact on the ways
in which consultancies create and generate management knowledge. Thus, in addition to the flow
of knowledge outlined in Table III [Figure omitted. See Article Image.] which prioritises the
effect of consultancies on clients, we would argue that there is a reciprocal movement of
knowledge about experiences in the client context which influences both the relationship of
clients and consultants and the development of services within the consultancy (Table VI [Figure
omitted. See Article Image.]).
Thus, in these cases, it is possible to evidence the impact of a different public sector environment
not simply on the implementation itself, but also on the consultant-client relationship and
subsequently on the development of services specifically for the public sector. Central processes
here include the role of procurement, which tends to lead to more commodified, simpler services
designed to compete on cost, the lower skill of client staff which often leads to services designed
with skills transfer built in, and finally risk adverse decision making which tends to mitigate
against innovative, untested services. This finding building upon the work which stresses the
importance of “horizon scanning” activities by consultancies ([39] Heusinkveld et al. , 2009) to
show how the public sector context changes the processes by which management knowledge is
generated and disseminated.
7 Conclusion
This paper aims at highlighting the changing face of operations and process management
consultancy through an analysis of the growing trend of its use in the public sector. Rather than
consider the implementation within one particular public service this research has given an
insight from the perspective of management consultants who are in position to compare and
contrast their experiences of implementing similar operations management practices across the
private and public organisations. To better understand new trends in operations management this
paper asked two questions: “how do operations management consultancy interventions in the
public sector differ to those in the private sector?” And “how does the public sector context
influence the development of operations management consulting?”. With regard to the first
question, the findings indicate that although consultants aim to implement the same overarching
offering, there are some key tensions in the implementation of services in the public sector.
Interestingly, many of these tensions could be argued to relate to the fundamentals of operations
management in that they refer to the design, planning and control and improvement of processes.
Others are much wider in terms of cultural differences related to pace, commitment of leaders
and ability to track the impact. With regard to the second question, the paper showed how the
differing context of public sector OM implementations has an effect “down-stream” on both the
consultant-client relationship and the development of OM services within the consultancy. This
finding, it was argued, is important within the context of the management knowledge literature,
which tends to focus on the impact of the consultant on the client, rather than the other way
This paper suggests that the tensions could be addressed by developing and creating a greater
understanding of the factors around readiness and success for implementing operations
management in the context of public services. [92] Cinite et al. (2009, p. 274) in their study on
organisational readiness in the public sector found that organisations:
[…] should pay close attention to the behaviours of their leaders, change agents, immediate
supervisors at all levels, organisational practices around the change, and how these practices
impact people’s daily work.
Other authors have found organisational readiness related to antecedents such as flexible policies
and procedures ([21] Eby et al. , 2000), resource levels and personality attributes of leaders ([47]
Lehman et al. , 2002). Whilst interesting what is relevant regarding organisational readiness
when considering the implementation of OM in public services is the concept that the change is
not just about the practice itself (in terms of its content) but also about engaging with and
initiating change in the organisations context, structure and capacity to successfully allow the
practice to be implemented. Thus, in seeking to overcome some of the barriers outlined earlier,
organisational readiness develops some understanding of the “basic” elements which relate to the
elements of OM, i.e. understanding how to design processes and systems, defining what the
process is, what the demand types and patterns so effective planning and control can take place
are as well as linking process improvement activity to strategy ([67] Radnor, 2010).
From the evidence presented here it is apparent that the public sector understanding of operations
management concepts are fairly low but where engagement with them is taking place the impact
is high ([67] Radnor, 2010). Theoretically, there is little doubt for the need of operations and
process management approaches within public services in order to address the growing demands
for efficiency and effectiveness. However, in practice due to the complexities of power, span of
influence and political leadership, the ability and opportunity for operations and process
management to have real impact may be limited ([1] Allison, 1997; [8] Box, 1999). This research
contributes to practice by suggesting that management consultants may have to change the focus
of their engagement to take into account not only the operational level but also the network or
strategic level. However, due to the political nature of decision making within public services
coupled with the lack of leadership the challenges of this transition do not make it a lucrative
prospect! The research also indicates that management consultants may need to manage the
expectations of both their engagement time and the clients requirements more clearly. For
example, the research strongly indicates that for some engagements there was a need to explicitly
include training to develop the clients understanding of “basic” operations management concepts.
They also need to be more sensitive to the public sector context in terms of the policy
environment and so need to influence how benefits are measured and tracked. If the trend of
using management consultants to implement operation and process management in public
services is set to continue then this research indicates that management consultancies need to
better suit the development, delivery and management of their products and services.
The paper contributes to the discipline of operations management by drawing in other literature
to develop the theoretical underpinning for the subject. Here, concepts and theories from
knowledge production and consumption have been used to enhance our understanding of how
operations management and management consultancy are related in the public sector. The
research has not only used this to help frame the research but has also contributed to the
knowledge management literature by illustrating how the context of the “consumer” of
knowledge can have an important effect on the activities of the “producer”. This relationship
needs to be investigated further by interviewing not only management consultants but also a
selection of public sector managers and procurers. This may lead to the development of the
theory further by indicating a bi-directional relationship between service development,
relationships and client context. We have also shown that, in our cases, the pressures of cost
meant that procurers often exerted commodifying tendencies on the product development of
consultancies. It may prove fruitful to compare whether, and how, similar innovations are
commodified differently for the private and public sectors.
There are also implications for the operations management academic community. As constant
users of public services it is important for us to find knowledge and frameworks to support both
public service managers and management consultants in developing an understanding of
operations management for the public sector. This needs to include carrying out research on the
type and impact of operations management across the wider public sector (e.g. justice, revenue
and tax, local government, police), considering the role of management consultants, as well as
drawing on other literature to create a wider reference set of operations management for public
sector organisations. The current agenda in the UK focuses on significant spending cuts in public
services with the “more with less” rhetoric providing an opportunity for operations management
to be fully embraced within the public sector. The findings of this paper illustrate the tensions
and frustrations that exist in achieving this but also give some insights to support the operations
management community in understanding how the development, production and consumption of
knowledge is influenced by public sector contexts.
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Further Reading
1. Clark, T. and Greatbach, D. (2002), “Knowledge legitimation and audience affiliation through
storytelling: the example of management gurus”, in Clark, T. and Fincham, R. (Eds), Critical
Consulting, Blackwell, Oxford.
About the authors
Zoe Radnor is a Professor of operations management. Her area of interest is in performance and
process improvement and management in public services. Until recently, Zoe was a Management
Practice Advanced Institute of Management (AIM) Fellow considering sustainability of Lean in
public services. She has led research projects for the Scottish Executive, HM Revenue and
Customs, HM Court Services, HealthCare, Local Government and Higher Education
organisations which have evaluated how “Lean” techniques are and could be used in the public
sector. She has developed a House of Lean for Public Services. She has published over 60
articles, book chapters and reports as well as presented widely on the topic to both academic and
practitioner audiences. Zoe also advises and sits on a number of boards and committees for
organisations such as the Welsh Assembly Government, National Audit Office and Cabinet
Office. Zoe Radnor is the corresponding author and can be contacted at:
Joe O’Mahoney during his PhD performed consultancy work for several clients and on passing
his viva, moved into the consulting industry where he specialised in change management. His
projects included process re-engineering, culture change, IT implementation and strategy work
for BAE, Barclays, Energis and the Bank of Scotland. He then ran an internal consultancy team
designing Europe’s largest start-up company, Three. After helping launch Three, Joe returned to
academia. Joe’s research focuses on critical management studies: the application of sociological
theory to organisations and their inhabitants. In recent years, he has studied the institution of
ethics in the management consulting industry, trust and anxiety in organisational change: critical
realist approaches and the evolution of management ideas using memetics. Joe was awarded a
Management Practices Fellowship by the Advanced Institute of Management (AIM).
Zoe Radnor, School of Business and Economics, Loughborough University, Loughborough, UK
Joe O’Mahoney, Cardiff Business School, Cardiff University, Cardiff, UK
Figure 1: Growth in UK public sector spend on consultancy (£m)
Table I: UK public sector spend on consultants
Table II: Key differences between the private and public sectors
Table III: A three-stage model of the effects of consultants on clients
Table IV: Outline of case study management consultancies
Table V: Most to least frequently mentioned differences of selling and implementing operations
management in the public and private sector
Table VI: A three-stage model for examining the impact of public sector clients on consultancy
service development
Word count: 10238
Copyright Emerald Group Publishing Limited 2013
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