Hello I need someone to write an essay/question assignment. I attend Ashford University.
Week 3 Short Answer Paper Advice
In this short-answer assignment, you will demonstrate some of the knowledge you have gained this week on communication and impressions, communication and rapport, and communication and job satisfaction. Below is a bit of advice for approaching each question. We also recommend that you carefully read the grading rubrics to see exactly what you are assessed on.
Question 1 – Communication and Job Satisfaction
Have you ever had a job where you were miserable every day? While some of this is out of our control, there are ways that we can manage our reactions and try to make the best of things. Here, you are required to explain one way we can use verbal communication and one way we can use nonverbal communication to enhance our job satisfaction, once again using and citing Bevan. There is also a section called “why relationships are central to job satisfaction.” As you read, think through how their points about informal relationships, workplace friendships, and network centrality might be linked to verbal and nonverbal messages as well.
1) To begin, go to Bevan and find the section on job satisfaction (section 6.2). You might want to begin with a definition of job satisfaction, as this can help lay down a foundation for your other points. Then, move on the next sections on verbal messages and nonverbal messages.
2) For verbal messages, Bevan lists the importance of openness, positive messages, and how conflict is resolved. Then they list a variety of themes related to conflict. Which ones seem most applicable to your experience or which seem most logical? Can you make links to previous points that have been made in weeks 1 and 2 about effective communication?
3) For nonverbal messages, Bevan addresses the importance of “verbal immediacy.” Consider explaining that idea and how it can help people feel more connected to others and more content. Finally, they discuss the different ways time orientation can impact one’s job satisfaction. Try to engage with Bevan on one of these points and really think through its value.
4) If you still don’t understand what “engaging” with experts on a topic is, review the resource from week 1 and week 2 titled “Engaging and more.” Ask your instructor if you are still struggling with this idea. The level of engagement will often mean the difference between distinguished and proficient, or proficient and basic, as a score.
5) Again, be sure to cite a source each time you use their ideas OR use a quote from them. And if you are struggling to write about the content or simply want more information, watch one of the videos in the Week 3 Paper Video help document in the “resources” section of this assignment.
Question 2 – Conversation management
This is a multi-part question, so be sure that you address each part. Be sure to write a full paragraph or paragraphs—not just a sentence or two—to address each item. That is part of our assessment of your writing as well. Again, review those grading rubrics! Here are the steps:
1) Explain what rapport is. Remember, when you explain, you are going beyond copying and pasting a definition. You should explain the idea in your own words and then use others to “support” your points. You must explain why rapport matters.
2) Define and describe
of the first three principles listed on building rapport. On confidence, you might be able to link back to week 1 on self-esteem or self-concept. On creativity, explain how creativity can actually be linked to building rapport. On caring, what exactly does it mean to show someone you care? Can it be linked to some of the principles of effective communication from week 1? Bevan explains that consideration (the fourth principle) is a combination of the first three principles of building rapport. So, please don’t cover that one, as you would then have to cover all three of the principles.
4) Share an example to illustrate how one of the principles can enhance either a personal or professional relationship. Here is your chance to illustrate that you can apply your knowledge about rapport in thinking about improving a relationship. When you think through an example, come up with one that concretely shows why this principle is important and show how following this advice can help one have a better personal OR professional relationship. Focus on both how following the principle would work and why the principle is important.
Question 3 – Self-Disclosure
The prompt begins by telling you that you must “use and cite” Bevan to define self-disclosure. So, begin your response with a solid definition of that term. Be sure to not just copy and paste a definition, as it is always a stronger demonstration of knowledge to put definitions into your own words
You are then required to explain at least two of the rewards of self-disclosure. You can explain why self-disclosure is important to understanding oneself and maintaining mental health. Bevan has quite a bit on this. Scan through the section and really think about how self-disclosure can lead to heightened self-awareness that can help us grow as people, and how it leads to healthier minds. If you have an experience you can share to illustrate the point, that would be great. Has anyone ever shared something with you that helped you better understand yourself? Why would sharing something we know about ourselves help us?
It would be wise to also explain how self-disclosure is central in building and maintaining meaningful relationships with others. So, the first question was about the self, and intrapersonal communication and personal health. This question is more about how self-disclosure allows us to bond with others through interpersonal communication. Think about important themes such as sharing secrets to gain social support or the importance of building trust. What else does Bevan say about this topic?
Now we get to the potential dark side of self-disclosure, as you are required to explain some of the risks of self-disclosure. In addition to feeling betrayed, what impact might our sharing personal information in-person or online do to our professional reputations or job security? Could self-disclosure even damage our mental health if others used it against us in some way?
As usual, ask your instructor if you have additional questions.
ShortAnswer Assignment
Answer the following three questions using 300 to 350 words for each response. Each question is worth
10% of your overall grade and there is additional scoring for proper grammar and citations for a total of 7
points. You must use course material to support your work, with full APA citations, to earn the most
points. Please be sure to double-space the document. You will score few to no points for not using course
material. Be sure to include a reference list at the end. Finally, don’t forget to ensure you’ve covered
ALL ELEMENTS of each question.
1) Explain one way one can alter your verbal and one way you can alter your nonverbal communication to
enhance their job satisfaction at work, using and citing Bevan (Section 6.2). Then, discuss how following
these guidelines could help you or some hypothetical worker to be more satisfied at work.
Verbal and non-verbal communication are areas that we must always be working on. One way
that I can improve my verbal communication at work is to focus on using more formal language. Formal
language is “clear, articulate, and not overly emotional” (Bevan, 2020, Section 6.2). I have a tendency to
use informal language, which is by nature less professional and sometimes unclear, even at work because
with the co-workers I see every day I have a familiar relationship (Bevan, 2020). Unfortunately, that
tendency means that I sometimes use informal language when speaking with the leader of other
organizations. Using more formal language would increase their job satisfaction by showing them that I
have respect for them, and their position, whereas the informal language may be taken as a sign of
disrespect (Bevan, 2020). It will help me be more satisfied at work because it will allow me to be viewed
in a positive light, even if I am interacting with someone new. I could also be better at non-verbal
immediacy, that is eye contact and smiling, particularly when interacting with the co-workers I do not
socialize with outside of work (Bevan, 2020, Section 6.2). With the colleagues I socialize with they may
chalk up my lack of eye contact to having a bad day or needing to finish something up quickly while
they’re asking a question because they’ll give me the benefit of the doubt. On the other hand, those that I
do not socialize with regularly may view this as standoffish. It may contribute to dissatisfaction at work
Commented [KC1]: Given this is not a formal paper, all of
the APA guidelines do not have to be followed.
Commented [KC2]: Great link between the idea of
respect and formal language. Using formal language can
definitely make others feel we hold them in high regard.
Commented [KC3]: The student makes a nice link back to
self-concept, though they could have been more overt in
making the point.
Commented [KC4]: A new paragraph was needed here.
on both of our parts because it adds a level of animosity that may not need to exist. In actuality, I have no
problem with the individual, and failed to make eye contact for a benign reason. Doing better at this will
provide both parties with increased job satisfaction because the animosity or miscommunication resulting
from the interaction will be reduced; no one enjoys going to a workplace where there is conflict whether
real or perceived (Bevan, 2020).
2) In section 7.2, Bevan discuss many elements of conversation management. Here you will address
establishing rapport specifically by doing the following:
A) Explain what rapport is and why it matters.
B) Define and describe one of the first three principles building rapport – confidence, creativity, or caring.
C) Share an example to illustrate how one of the principles can enhance either a personal or professional
Rapport is the initial connection that one first has with a person, it is a step beyond a first impression, and
begins to establish the relationship between the two (or more) people (Bevan, 2020). Rapport is
something that begins nearly immediately when two people are first connected (Bevan, 2020). It is
important to build rapport with others, as it is the beginning of the bond that you will have throughout the
course of the relationship. There are four principles that enhance one’s ability to build rapport; these are
confidence, creativity, consideration, and caring (Bevan, 2020). Confidence is a belief that you are good
at or successful at something, and while not having it will occasionally garner sympathy, it is best to at
least attempt to convey a belief in oneself (Bevan, 2020). There is a fine line, though, as too much
confidence may also lead to negative perceptions if it is seen as false or otherwise untrue. That being said,
if one exudes an appropriate level of confidence on a given subject, it is likely that the new person in the
interaction will find it attractive. In addition, showing that you care will help build the rapport that one
Commented [KC5]: Nice point. They might read it as a
lack of interest. Different cultures have different standards
here, so I wouldn’t be too hard on yourself. But if you are
aware of it, you might want to “accommodate” them.
Commented [KC6]: The student needed to cite Bevan
here as they are drawing on their ideas. Be sure to give
others credit for their ideas and also be sure to use experts
to support you and build your expertise.
has with a new person. Caring, or showing interest in the other person through listening, questioning, and
giving full attention, is one of the best ways to build rapport (Bevan, 2020). When the other person feels
heard, or considered, they are more willing to continue the interaction (Bevan, 2020). For example, if you
have just met your significant other’s family for the first time, they will view you in a better light if you
put your phone in your pocket, rather than scrolling through a social media site while they are speaking. If
you ask them questions about themselves, then truly listen, only interjecting your feelings at appropriate
times, the rapport that you are starting to build will benefit the relationship in the long run. Conversely, if
you are distracted the entire time, or constantly talk over the family members, it is likely that more than
one relationship will be affected.
3) Self-disclosure is an important part of relationship-building and maintenance and is also important for
self-awareness and mental health. To demonstrate understanding of this topic, please do the following:
1) Define self-disclosure, using and citing Bevan.
2) Explain at least two of the rewards of self-disclosure (e.g better self-understanding and personal
mental health and building and maintaining meaningful relationships).
3) Explain at least two of the risks of self-disclosure.
4) As an activity, share something personal that is going on in your life with a friend or co-worker
face-to-face. Then, share this same information with someone else via electronic communication
(e.g. email, text, or social media). What were the differences between the experience of sharing
information and receiving the response in person versus electronically? Discuss both the verbal
and/or nonverbal cues you observed in both yourself and the other party.
Self-disclosure is when you provide someone with an intimate detail about your life or reveal something
more than general information to a person (Bevan, 2020). Sharing this otherwise private information
allows you to learn about yourself in addition to continuing to build the rapport you have with the other
person (Bevan, 2020). One of the rewards of self-disclosure is the reinforcement of your self-concept
(Bevan, 2020). This is because when you are explaining your beliefs or thoughts to someone else, you
obtain a deeper understanding of them overall (Bevan, 2020). You also may see an increase in your self-
esteem, due to what the other person feels about your disclosure. Bevan used the example of a co-worker
commenting on your strength after hearing about all of the responsibilities you are juggling (2020,
Commented [KC7]: Great point as it speaks to both
meaning and significance of showing interest.
Commented [KC8]: Nice example. To improve, I’d like to
have seen just a bit more on caring, and how this example is
linked to the ideas mentioned earlier, but this is good
Commented [KC9]: How does it lead to self-
understanding if it is information we already know? I know
some reasons why, but I needed to see the student explain
Commented [KC10]: Good point. Or, it could be a risk, I
suppose. It depends on their reactions. Overall, this begins
to speak to how we learn about ourselves through the
reactions of others.
Section 7.2). On the other hand, vulnerability is just one of the risks associated with self-disclosure
(Bevan, 2020). This means that a person could use what you tell them against you during a fight or if you
are no longer friends. It also means that you may be rejected by the person if they do not like or disagree
with what you have disclosed (Bevan, 2020). I opted to share information about my current financial
circumstances with two different people. In person, I was able to describe the situation – paying for
school, car repairs, and the general increase in holiday spending – thoroughly. I felt the person understood
and had empathy for the situation. They showed this in the look on their face, as well as the kind words
they used in response. I noticed that I had a more subdued tone than normal, which conveyed the
seriousness of the subject. In text message, the interaction was much shorter. While the words used were
similar, it was hard to know the tone that was being used, and I felt that my friend’s use of emojis
indicated they did not take the interaction all that seriously.
Commented [KC11]: Good points. A bit more detail
would have enhanced this explanation but what’s here is
Commented [KC12]: Interesting point. While not graded
on this component, the student did a good job here but
could focus a little more on these communicative details. It
would have been stronger to explain how they read tone
with the other interaction.
Bevan, J.L. (2020). Making connections: Understanding Interpersonal communication (3rd ed.).
Retrieved from: https://content.ashford.edu
Name: Student’s Name Date: December 1, 2019
Week 3 Discussion Video Presentation Training
In this training, we provide advice about how to approach the week 3 video discussion post. When you are done, be sure to take the “Week 3 discussion quiz.”
Step 1 – Read the grading rubric, so you know what you will be assessed on:
Notice that you will be graded on the following:
· Cohesive Organization – Introduction, body, and conclusion. 20%
· Content – Informative content, shaped by course material. Be sure to mention Bevan at least three times and highlight specific points from her. 20%
· Language – Be clear and compelling. Try to entertain your audience. 10%
· Delivery – This involves nonverbal cues such as eye contact, posture and vocal expressiveness. Sit upright and look at the camera! 10%
· Length – This must be 2.5 to 3 minutes. Instructors will not have to listen after 3 minutes. 10%
· Engagement/Participation – Yes. You still have to reply to others, but it will not be through video. You still need to meaningfully engage with both your classmate and course material. Please cite your sources as they influence your ideas. 30%
Step 2
Be sure you have read Bevan on communication apprehension and have watched the Abrahams video. Reading the recommended article by Dwyer (2000) can be very useful in helping you think through how to overcome the apprehension as well.
Step 3 – Write an outline:
· To prepare for the video presentation, please create an outline of what you are going to say. You will need to copy and paste this outline into your discussion post, along with the video itself.
· The outline should prompt you to cover key required elements and then roughly what you plan to say. If you’re going to use quotes, be sure to copy and paste them into the outline.
· The outline will have the following:
· Introduction – What is it you want to say about communication apprehension? Preview what you plan to accomplish in your video presentation. For instance, you might say “Hi everyone, I’m here today to share the communication apprehension I experienced during a job interview. In this presentation, I will address this apprehension as what Bevan calls “public speaking apprehension” and then I will address two strategies that I could have used to overcome the fear. I will close by addressing what I will gain from overcoming this fear.” (30 seconds) But all you will say in the outline is – introduce myself and explain what I will do in the presentation.
· Body – This is the content area of the paper, where you develop your key points. Be sure to do the following:
a) Offer details about both the apprehension you experienced and how it felt. (20 seconds)
b) Explain two strategies one can use to overcome the anxiety from Bevan and the videos (30 seconds), and then
c) explain what you will gain from improving in this area. Use the words “Bevan” or “Abrahams” to indicate you are using them, as is required. (30 seconds)
· Conclusion – Restate your key points, highlighting why your points and content from Bevan is so important professionally. (20 to 30 seconds)
Step 4 – Review your plan
When you are done with writing your outline, review the grading rubric again and ensure you have done everything you can to score as distinguished in each area.
Step 5 – Prepare your space to do the presentation
· Avoid any distractions that might be behind you in the screen, such as kids playing or curtains waving in the wind.
· Make sure there is enough light on you. There is more advice on this in the “how to make a good video” document in the “resources” box.
· Make sure there is no noise in your environment.
Step 6 – To do the presentation
· Practice several times to test the sound levels and what you look like. Make sure you are talking directly into your microphone so the audience can hear you.
· To access the Canvas recorder, click “Reply” in the forum. Now, click the icon that looks like a play button. It is the tenth icon on the second row.
· Your computer might ask if it can use your webcam. Say “allow” or “yes.” You should see your shiny face immediately.
· If the camera doesn’t appear when you click the icon above, try restarting your browser and logging into Canvas again. You can also try a different browser. If you continue to have issues, contact tech support by clicking “help” in the classroom or calling.
· Click “start recording.”
· Click “finish” when you are done. Your browser might say a network is slow. Just wait it out and, if given the option, click “wait”. If you are over 3 minutes, record again, as your instructor does not have to watch after 3 minutes.
· Click “save.” It might take some time, but it will save. Close (x out) the record screen and leave the tab on your screen open until it uploads. It could take up to 30 minutes but shouldn’t take longer than that.
· If you feel you stumbled over your words or didn’t make enough eye contact, re-do the video. But don’t do it too many times. This is not a public speaking class, so we will be generous in our assessment of your presentation skills! Just make sure you cover all the required elements!
· Be sure to look directly into the camera and have yourself positioned so we can see about mid-chest up to at least the top of your head.
· If you don’t like what you’ve done you can always erase it by hitting the delete button or simply clicking “cancel” on the discussion box (next to “post reply”).
· If you absolutely can’t get the recording to work in Canvas, please record a video through other means and post an MP4 attachment to the video file.
Step 7 – During the presentation
· Avoid reading from a script. Use your “outline” to guide you. Just use bullet points.
· Be confident and have fun!
Step 8 – After you are done
· Copy and paste your outline into the discussion forum box.
· Don’t forget to click “post reply.”
· After you have “posted,” look at the discussion box to ensure the video is there.
Short Answer Assignment
Name: ______________
Date: ____________
Answer the following three questions using 300 to 350 words for each response. Each question is worth 10% of your overall grade and there is additional scoring for proper grammar and citations for a total of 7 points. You must use course material to support your work, with full APA citations, to earn the most points. Please be sure to double-space the document. You will score few to no points for not using course material. Be sure to include a reference list at the end. Finally, don’t forget to ensure you’ve covered ALL ELEMENTS of each question.
1) Explain one way one can alter their verbal and one way they can alter their nonverbal communication to enhance their job satisfaction at work, using and citing Bevan (Section 6.2). Then, discuss how following these guidelines could help you or some hypothetical worker to be more satisfied at work.
2) In section 7.2, Bevan discuss many elements of conversation management. Here you will address establishing rapport specifically by doing the following:
A) Explain what rapport is and why it matters, utilizing Bevan.
B) Define and describe one of the first three principles of building rapport, from Bevan – confidence, creativity, or caring.
C) Share an example to illustrate how one of the principles can enhance either a personal or professional relationship.
3) Self-disclosure is an important part of relationship-building and maintenance and is also important for self-awareness and mental health. To demonstrate understanding of this topic, please do the following:
· Define self-disclosure, using and citing Bevan.
· Explain at least two of the rewards of self-disclosure (e.g., better self-understanding and personal mental health and building and maintaining meaningful relationships).
· Explain at least two of the risks of self-disclosure.
Week 3 Short Answer Paper Video Resources
The following videos can help you better understand some of the themes covered in the week 3 short-answer paper and are organized by theme.
Impression management
On first impressions:
Cabane, O. F. (2011, November 24). The science of first impressions. youtube.com. Retrieved August 26, 2019 from
Description: Writer and coach Olivia Fox Cabane explains the ongoing importance of first impressions has not gone away. She addresses the importance of visualization, imagination, and showing interest in others. As you watch, think about how might you apply some of the advice she offers to thinking about workplace relationships or making an “impression” at work.
· Conveying that one cares:
· Headlee, C. (2015, May 7). How to have a good conversation. TEDx – Creative Coast.
Description: Journalist Celeste Headlee offers advice about the importance of genuinely listening and says that it is important to acknowledge that communication involves both a speaker and a hearer. We must learn to listen to understand, not just to reply. In doing so, we convey we care and are consideration of others
Communication and job satisfaction. There are two videos that cover job satisfaction.
1) Donohue, M. (2016, December 13). How to get along with Boomers, GenXers and Millennials. TEDX Toronto. Retrieved August 27, 2019 from
Description: Scholar Mary Donohue explores the role of generational categories in styles of communication. She sees boomers as focused on legacy and are geared toward auditory exchanges, gen-Xers are seen as builders and are focused on the visual, and Millenials are adapters and adopters. She offers advice about how to address generational differences. Look to see if you see any links to Bevan on intergenerational communication.
2) Achor, S. (2012, February 1). The happy secret to better work. TED Talks. Retrieved August 26, 2019 from
Description: In a reversal of logic, positive psychologist Shawn Achor emphasizes that we should be happy then work, not that we should try to become happy as a result of work. What might this mean in terms of our patterns of intrapersonal or interpersonal communication? So, instead of thinking that success leads to happiness, we must think of how happiness leads to success. Is your job satisfaction (happiness) determined by your external world or your internal processing of your work?
Online bullying. There are two video presentations on cyberbullying.
A teen takes on cyberbullying:
Prabhu, T. (2015, March 11). Stop cyberbullying before the damage is done. youtube.com. Retrieved August 21, 2019 from
Description: Teen activist and creator of “ReThink,” Trisha Prabhu explains that we are not talking about cyberbullying enough, yet millions are suffering every day. This leads to increases in drug and alcohol abuse and suicide. She has specific advice about how to overcome this bullying crisis. She offers concrete advice for overcoming the issue, which primarily involves signaling to the bully that they should “rethink” what they think and post. Based on what we’ve learned in this class, why might ReThink work so well?
How online abuse of women has spiraled out of control
Description: Actress Ashley Judd discusses her experiences being bullied online and demonstrates how it is a form of sexual harassment and that marginalized groups are typically the target. She invites us all to take on this crisis directly to try to rectify the situation. As you watch, see if you can make links to what we have said about taking responsibility and respect.
Online cultures
Online bubbles and our narrowing reality
Pariser, E. (2011, May 2). Beware online “filter bubbles.” TED Talks. Retrieved July 14, 2019 from
Description: In this presentation, internet activist Eli Pariser discusses some of the dangers of the online filter bubbles we all are parts of. While we as Americans tend to value terms such as democracy, inclusion, and diversity, the web is, and has been, using algorithms to give us information. This means we are all living in different worlds, keeping us from having a shared sense of reality and we are getting what others think we “want” to see, but maybe not what we “need” to see. This divisiveness is potentially dangerous to our democracy and even the idea that we are “united” as states of America. As you watch, think through the values that are important to him that he says as violated by algorithms.
Prior to beginning work on this assignment, read the sections in Bevan on job satisfaction (Section 6.2), conversation management (Section 7.2), and self-disclosure (Section 7.4). Review the
Sample Week 3 Paper
. Also, if you are struggling with the questions review the supplemental documents in the “
” box below, where you will find advice and videos to help you think through the topics.
Click each source below:
Week 3 Short Answer Paper Advice
Week 3 Short Answer Paper Video Resources
Sample Week 3 Paper
Engaging With Course Content
Avoiding Plagiarism
In this assignment, you will use the Short Answer Assignment template, and respond to three prompts to illustrate your knowledge of communication and job satisfaction, conversation management, communication and the importance of self-disclosure. For each question, your response must be 300 to 350 words.
The Short Answer Paper assignment
Must be 300 to 350 words per answer in length and formatted according to APA Style as outlined in the Ashford Writing Center’s APA Style (Links to an external site.) resource.
Must utilize an academic voice. See the Academic Voice (Links to an external site.) resource for additional guidance.
Must utilize Bevan in each of the responses to the questions.
Must document any information used from sources in APA Style as outlined in the Ashford Writing Center’s APA: Citing Within Your Pape (Links to an external site.)r guide.
Must include references at the bottom of the template that are formatted according to APA Style as outlined in the Ashford Writing Center. See the APA: Formatting Your References List (Links to an external site.) resource in the Ashford Writing Center for specifications.
Carefully review the Grading Rubric (Links to an external site.) for the criteria that will be used to evaluate your assignment.
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